The care coordination through emergency department, residential aged care and primary health collaboration.
CEDRiC aims to strengthen the capacity of the aged care sector to deliver high quality aged care, to improve care for older adults in the Emergency Department (ED) and improve interaction between the Residential Aged Care or care homes and both primary and secondary healthcare sectors.
CEDRiC encompasses two elements:
1. GEDI (Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention) – a hospital ED mediated intervention (ED clinical nurses with further education/experience in gerontology and community health) providing a dedicated single point of contact within the ED for carehome and primary health professionals; rapid frontload comprehensive assessment of carehome residents and frail older persons from the community on presentation; streamlined patient flow in ED; clear and timely inter-sectoral communication; focused discharge planning and health professional education and training.
2. HIPS (Health Intervention Projects for Seniors) – Carehome and primary health sector mediated interventions including provision of a Nurse Practitioner Candidate (NPC) within the carehome to support to an enhanced model of primary health care encompassing general practitioners; development of advanced care plans for older adults; better coordination of GP care in the carehome; a training program for staff; and development of a sustainable model of care through endorsed NP Medicare billing.

The CEDRiC research team provides consultancy services which can benefit your organisation from our expert guidance and evidence-based approach to acute care of the older person, with a focus on creating greater efficiencies and improved patient outcomes.

A Nurse Practitioner Candidate onsite in an aged care home

University of the Sunshine Coast and Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service collaborated to form and evaluate GEDI