Wallis M, Craswell A, Marsden E & Taylor A. (2022) Establishing the Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention in Queensland emergency departments: a qualitative implementation study using the i‑PARIHS model. BMC Health Services Research, 22:692. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-08081-4
Marsden E, Craswell A, Taylor A, Barnett A, Wong P-K, & Wallis M (2022) Translation of the Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention into other emergency departments: A post implementation evaluation of outcomes for older adults. BMC Geriatr 22, 290 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-022-02999-4
Marsden E, Taylor A, Wallis M, Craswell A, Broadbent M, Johnston-Devin C, Crilly J. (2021) A structure and process evaluation of the Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention model. Australasian Emergency Care, 24(1), 28-33, doi.org/10.1016/j.auec.2020.05.006
Marsden E, Taylor A, WallisM, Craswell A, Broadbent M, Barnett A, Crilly J. (2020) Effect of the Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention on outcomes of care for residents of aged care facilities: A non‐randomised trial. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 32(3), 422-429, doi.org/10.1111/1742-6723.13415
Craswell A, Wallis M, Coates K, Marsden E, Taylor A, Broadbent M, Nguyen K-H, Johnston-Devin C, Glenwright A, Crilly J. (2020) Enhanced primary care provided by a nurse practitioner candidate to aged care facility residents: A mixed methods study. Collegian, 27(3), 281-287 doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2019.08.009
Wallis M, Marsden E, Taylor A, Craswell A, Broadbent M, Barnett A, Nguyen K-H, Johnston C, Glenwright A, Crilly J. (2018) The Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention model of care: a pragmatic trial. BMC Geriatrics, 18:297 doi.org/10.1186/s12877-018-0992-z
Marsden E, Craswell A, Taylor A, Coates K, Crilly J, Broadbent M, Glenwright A, Johnston C, Wallis M. (2018) Nurse-led multidisciplinary initiatives to improve outcomes and reduce hospital admissions for older adults: the CEDRiC project. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 37(2) 135-139
Marsden E, Taylor A, Wallis M, Craswell A, Broadbent M, Barnett A, Nguyen K, Crilly J, Johnston C, Glenwright A. (2017) A structure, process and outcome evaluation of the Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention model of care: a study protocol. BMC Geriatrics, Mar 2017. DOI: 10.1186/s12877-017-0462-z
Craswell A, Marsden E, Taylor A, Wallis M. (2016) Emergency Department presentation of frail older people and interventions for management: Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention. Safety in Health, 2:14 DOI: 10.1186/s40886-016-0049-y
Presentations as Invited speaker
Marsden E, Taylor A, Wallis M. (2017) GEDI information implementation workshop. RBWH, Brisbane, Australia 23 Feb
Wallis M, Marsden E. (2016) Keynote Address: Care Coordination through Emergency Department, Residential Aged Care and Primary Health Collaboration: The CEDRiC Trial. Preventing Unnecessary Hospital Emergency Department Transfers for Older People Conference, 5-6 May, Melbourne.
Marsden E, Taylor A. (2016) Overcoming the Discombobulation. Emergency Department Management Conference, 20-21 July Sydney.
Marsden E, Taylor A. (2016). The GEDI model. Presentation at Statewide Older Persons Acute Care Network Survey Forum, Brisbane, Australia, 7 June
Symposium presentation
Wallis M, Marsden E, Taylor A, Craswell A, Coates K, Broadbent M, Barnett A, Nguyen K, Johnston C, Glenwright A, Crilly J (2017) Symposium presentation, Improving acute and emergency care of older people: The results of the CEDRiC project, 10th Health Services Research Australia and New Zealand (HSRAANZ), Marriott hotel, Gold Coast, Australia, 1-3 Nov.
Conference Presentations
Nguyen K, Craswell A, Marsden E, Taylor A, Wallis M. (2019) Health Economic impact of the Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention. Health Services Research Austalia New Zealand </strong> Auckland, New Zealand, 4-6 Dec.
Wallis M, Craswell A, Marsden E, Taylor A, Barnett A. (2019) Translation of a health service innovation for older people: Implementation of the Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention into a new emergency department. Health Services Research Austalia New Zealand (HSRAANZ), Auckland, New Zealand, 4-6 Dec.
Craswell A, Coates K, Nguyen K, Johnston C, Wallis M. (2018) Quality of life of residents in long-term care facilities with diversity of nursing and non-nursing care providers.<strong> National Nursing Forum, Gold Coast, Australia, 28-30 Aug.
Wallis M, Marsden E, Taylor A, Coates K, Craswell A, Broadbent M, Barnett A, Nguyen K, Johnston C, Glenwright A, Crilly J (2018) Redefining emergency care for ageing populations: the Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention (GEDI). International Forum Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2-4 May.
Marsden E, Wallis M, Craswell A, Taylor A, Broadbent M. (2017) Collaboration through health research to improve outcomes for acutely ill older adults presenting to emergency. ACEM Scientific meeting, Sydney, Australia, 19-23 Nov.
Marsden EJ, Wallis M, Craswell A, Taylor A, Bannink N, Broadbent M, Johnston C, Glenwright A, Crilly J, Coates K. (2017) Changing care of the elderly in the RACFs and EDs: The CEDRiC project toolkit implementation. 41st IHF World Hospital Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, 7-9 Nov
Taylor A, Marsden E, Craswell A, Broadbent M, Wallis M. (2017) Improving the quality of care of elderly patients in the ED: Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention; 15th International Conference for Emergency Nurses, Sydney, Australia 11-13 Oct
Broadbent M, Taylor A, Marsden E, Craswell A, Johnston C, Glenwright A, Wallis M. (2017) Reducing the cost associated with care of elder patients in the ED: Impact of enhanced primary care in an aged care facility. 15th International Conference for Emergency Nurses, Sydney, Australia, 11-13 Oct.
Craswell A, Coates K, Taylor A, Marsden E, Crilly J, Glenwright A, Wallis M. (2017) Streamlining care of older people in residential aged care: Nurse practitioner candidate and emergency department care coordination; Australian College of Nurse Practitioners Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 4-7 Sept.
Coates K, Wallis M, Craswell A, Glenwright A. (2017) A Nurse Practitioner Candidate: A model for change in aged care; Australian College of Nurse Practitioners Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 4-7 Sept.
Wallis M, Coates K, Johnston C, Bannink N. Craswell A. (2017) Changing care of the elderly in RACFs and EDs: The CEDRiC project toolkit implementation. National Nursing Forum, Sydney, Australia, 20-23rd Aug.
Glenwright A, Crilly J, Broadbent M, Johnston C. (2017). Care coordination between Emergency Departments, Residential aged care facilities and primary care Collaboration (CEDRiC). Primary Health Care Research and Information Service Conference, BCC, Brisbane, 7-9 Aug
Glenwright A, Coates K, Craswell A, Wallis M. (2017) Nurses at the forefront of system redesign: Advanced practice nurses improving quality of life for elders in residential aged care. International Council of Nurses Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 27 May – 1 June
Glenwright A. (2016). A cost analysis of a Geriatric Emergency Department Intervention (GEDI). International Federation of Ageing Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 21 June
Coates K. (2016). A collaborative model for enhanced elder care. APNA National Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 3-8 May.
Wallis M, Marsden E, Broadbent M, Craswell A, Coates K, Taylor A, Glenwright A, Johnston C, Barnett A, Nguyen K, Crilly J. (2018). Integrating older persons care between primary and secondary providers: The CEDRiC project. International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2-4 May
Craswell A, Nguyen K, Coates K, Johnston C, Wallis M. (2018). Does a Nurse Practitioner Candidate improve the self-reported quality of life for residents in residential aged care? International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2-4 May.
Wallis M, Marsden E, Broadbent M, Craswell A, Coates K, Taylor A, Glenwright A, Johnston C, Barnett A, Nguyen K, Crilly J. (2017). The CEDRiC Project: Care Coordination Through Emergency Department, Residential Aged Care Facility And Primary Health Collaboration 41st International Healthcare Foundation World Congress. Taipei, Taiwan, 11-13 Nov.
Coates K, Craswell A, Taylor A, Marsden E, Johnston C, Glenwright A, Wallis M. (2017) Repeated measures Quality of Life assessment in an Aged Care Facility over 1 year. Leading Age Services Association (LASA) National Congress. Gold Coast, Australia, 15-18 Oct.
Craswell A, Nguyen K, Coates K, Johnston C, Wallis M. (2017) Nurses at the forefront of system redesign: Advanced practice nurses improving quality of life for elders in residential aged care. Leading Age Services Association (LASA) National Congress. Gold Coast, Australia, 15-18 Oct.
Coates K, Glenwright A, Craswell A, Johnston C, Taylor A, Marsden EJ, Broadbent M, Wallis M. (2017) Health Intervention Project for Seniors (HiPS): Outcomes of a model of care aimed to support acute care for Older People in primary health care (PHC) setting. Primary Health Care Research and Information Service Conference. Brisbane, Australia, 7-9 Aug.
Craswell A, Taylor A, Marsden E (2017) Care Coordination through emergency departments, residential aged care and primary health collaboration: The CEDRiC Project. Passionate about Practice: Conference of the Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer. RBWH, Brisbane, Australia, 9 May.
Craswell A, Wallis M, Broadbent M, Marsden E, Coates K, Taylor A, Glenwright A, Crilly J, Johnston C. (2016) The CEDRiC project: Care coordination through emergency department, residential aged care and primary health collaboration. Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare. Goteborg, Sweden, 13-15 April.